Oct 7, 2018

Getting to Know You(Tube)

At Getting To Know You(Tube), three presenters give 20 minute presentations about their favorite YouTube rabbit holes. Tonight’s presentations will revolve around the theme of technology and identity.

Chris Freeman is a musician and video artist and currently co-running Boathouse Microcinema. He has been a fan of Getting To Know You(Tube) for years but has never actually done a presentation himself. He will be talking about his guilty pleasure of watching retro video game speedrunning.

Seanna Musgrave is a Virtual Reality artist and social world developer. She will be presenting video about tech utopianism and nihilism surrounding virtual reality.

Shelby Navone is a multimedia artist, avid cosplayer, archaeologist, and self-proclaimed Warrior Princess. Favoring that perfect blend of humor and heart, she will be spotlighting the best YouTube videos featuring the McElroy Brothers.

Getting To Know You(Tube) was created by artists Crystal Baxley and Stefan Ransom in 2011 and was at one time a monthly event at the Hollywood Theater. It was later passed on to Gabi VillaseƱor and Helmy Membrano, who continued the tradition. Boathouse Microcinema has been hosting GTKYT events once per season for the past year.